My Body Hates Me

Do you ever get the feeling that you are trying to accomplish something but certain things keep getting in the way of grasping the goal you have set out to achieve?  Well that’s how I have felt the past couple weeks.

I am also starting to get this crazy idea in my head that ever since I stopped consuming wine on a daily basis,  my body is going through some kind of metamorphosis.  My cycle is all out of whack.  And I am not referring to my bicycle.  I am referring to the bloody fact of nature that we as women get once a month.  Pun intended.

menstrual cycle period humor

Now normally I wouldn’t care that she wanted to veer off track and get lost, be late, not show up on time…but the hubs and I are planning a trip coming up.  Our fist trip, ALONE, NO KIDS, and I kid you not if she ruins my plans I will throw my uterus in the road and use it as target practice.

Ok maybe that’s a little harsh.

Or not.

But did I mention that my hubby and I haven’t had a week’s vacation ALONE….EVER???  In the over 7 years we have been together?

Then last week  I went to the gym on Wednesday….twice.  I worked out new muscle groups…worked them hard…went to Zumba.  Even got a lot of housework done that day.  I had felt this little heaviness in my chest but just brushed it off as old man winter still messing with my health.

I came home from Zumba, took my nice hot Epsom salt bath, put on some comfy pajamas and settled down to watch a movie with the hubs.  Fire was going and I was bundled up in a blanket but I was chilled to the bone.

Went to bed only to wake in the middle of the night with the worst chills and body aches since having Mastitis over 6 years ago.

By morning I couldn’t tell which were body aches and which were muscle aches from the muscles I had worked out at the gym the previous day.  All I knew was that I was in pain, from head to toe, and literally couldn’t move except to shake from the fever chills.

I am quite certain I dosed off momentarily and saw the Grim Reaper coming for me.  Ok maybe just an exaggeration but with the way I felt it mine as well have been true.

Thank goodness the hubs was off that day because I could barely move to get to the bathroom to pee. sick flu cooties illness humor And nothing…I mean N*O*T*H*I*N*G that I took relieved a single symptom.  Not Ibuprofen.  Not Thera Flu.  Not DayQuil.  Not Tylenol.  NADDA.  I seriously contemplated downing half a bottle of whiskey and calling it a day.

I started a round of antibiotics.  But even after being on them for a few days I was still getting fevers and body aches.  And here it is a week later and I am feeling better but the fatigue from this is really starting to become annoying.

I don’t have time to be tired!

I am a mother!

And being that my kids keep getting sick in circles as well…I need to be able to take care of them.

It’s interfering with my workout routine!

And I am sick of waking up with my mouth feeling like the Sahara desert!

And I am sick of complaining about being sick!

So I am thinking that maybe wine is in order???

domesticated momster signature

       I’m linking with the following linkys…

Life with Baby Kicks
Domesticated Momster