Quote Of The Week ~ Feb 21, 2016

 Betty White quotes Domesticated Momster

I love this lady’s witty humor.  In many ways she reminds me of my late grandmother who always had a sure fire way of making you laugh.  And I don’t think anything ever embarrassed her.

As for this quote it’s true on so many levels.  People are so busy worrying about what everyone else is doing that they lose track of their own crap.  

Sometimes I think it’s easier for people to focus on others to avoid having to deal with themselves.

If your beliefs are different from the person sitting next to you, who cares?  As long as no one is physically hurting anyone else then just go about with your nose in your own business.  

Put yourself a tutu on and twirl your way out” 
   I am linking this with the following linkys…

Cuddle Fairy

~Quote Of The Week December 6, 2015~

 quotes Christmas2015 kids favorite quotes

When I was a child I loved Christmas.  I would count the days starting right after Thanksgiving.  I would watch every holiday show, look at every house I saw with Christmas lights, and check every package under the tree to see if it had my name on it.  Christmas Eve I barely slept and as soon as there was a glimpse of light on my window I was up!

Once I became an adult Christmas just wasn’t the same anymore.  The only thing I really looked forward to was having a day off.  There were some years I didn’t even put up a tree.

Then I had kids…and it all changed.  

It’s almost better than when I was a kid because I get to watch all their excitement.  I get to know what it feels like to create that for them.  To watch their fascination as I tell them different things about Christmas and start Christmas traditions of our own.
The happiness in my ❤️ is unexplainable.  Having children is a blessing all its own but having children at Christmas time is truly magical!


Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #24~

When I was younger, I always cared about having nice things.  I still like having nice things but what’s most important is being able to fulfill the lives of my children as a mother.  To remember that even on the “bad mommy” days I’m still doing my best and being their mommy.  I want them to grow up knowing that I was always there for them and always put them before anything else in my life. To know that I made a difference.

I am linking this with the fabulous Becky at Cuddle Fairy for her quote LINKY #candidcuddles.

~Favorite Quote #23~

Favorite Quote #23 quotes inspirationI think that in order to obtain true creativity, sometimes we really have to dig deep and produce something that feels perhaps inappropriate.  I have said before that as an artist it’s ok to bleed from time to time regardless if it’s going to cause some controversy.  Being real is better than being fake despite who you are going to upset.  I could honestly use this advice when it comes to some things I would like to write about.  I have so many pieces of me that I have written about but then upon clicking the publish button, I start to think too much…start to think who it will effect…and then stop myself from publishing it.

Domesticated Momster Signature

I am linking this post with the following fab linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #21~

Favorite Quote #21 #quotes #inspirational

The older I get the more I realize that it’s not material possessions that mean the most.  It’s the ♥ love ♥ that you surround yourself in.  

The ♥ love ♥ that you give others.

 It’s watching the milestones of my children and my life transforming before my eyes.

 It’s the beauty of a crisp, cool, fall morning and being thankful that I’m alive and able to enjoy it.

 It’s being thankful for what you have and not always about what you want.  

It’s recognizing how lucky I am  that I am loved, I am safe, and I am free.

Domesticated Momster Signature

I am linking this with the following fab linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #19~

This was another photo taken by yours truly on our recent camping/fishing trip and I found it to be perfect for my favorite quote #19.  It’s actually of a picnic table that I then cropped and displayed in a way to look like a dock.  I then found this perfect quote by an unknown person and thought it fit perfectly.

Favorite Quote #quotes #inspiration #life

Make life count!  Don’t sit around waiting for life to happen…MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Set goals, take risks, find a pursuit of happiness, and step outside of the box from time to time.  Never let anyone tell you that you can’t live on the edge of being awesome!  Granted I could use some of this advice for myself at times.

I don’t want to ever feel like life passed me by and I didn’t get to do everything I wanted.  I have read so many stories lately of lives being taken to young…some younger then me and that really puts my “bucket list” in perspective.  Now some things on my bucket list I have put off because ….well I have kids and I don’t want to increase my chances of leaving them motherless.  But I have decided to start a “more realistic” bucket list and make tiny goals and stay on track.  I will be sharing more about this in an upcoming post so stay tuned!

What is the most important thing you want to or have already accomplished in life?


Domesticated Momster Signature

I am linking this post with the following fab linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #18~

favorite quote #quotes #awesomequotes Winston Churchill

This goes right along with my recent post about “What Kind Of Kids Are We Raising“.  There will always be people who are going to disagree with you…and it’s ok.  The importance is believing in yourself and showing that you aren’t afraid to defend yourself when needed…even if it means having enemies along the way.

Always Believe In Yourself,


I am linking this post with the following fab linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #16~

Favorite quote #quotes #fishing #patience

This is a picture of my oldest daughter on our most recent camping trip.  She is never patient about anything but once we gave her a pole and taught her how to fish a new child was born.  She also caught her first fish on this trip.  The excitement in her eyes was one to never be forgotten.  And the peacefulness of her nature is one that I have captured in this very photo.


I am linking this with the following fabulous linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #15~

favorite Quote #15, Inspiration

Try to cherish everyday as if it was your last.  These are words that I myself could learn to live by sometimes.  Our lives get busy with the day ins and outs of everything.  Some days we need to stop and absorb the entirety of the day instead of just a single moment.

I am linking this with the following Linkys:

Cuddle Fairy

~Favorite Quote #14~

Favorite #Quotes Inspiration Daughters Strength

I have two of these lovely creatures.  And as much as I want to protect them from the world, I know that I must also teach them about it.  

~About the good, the bad, and the ugly that exists within it.~  

~To not be afraid of who they are and to always strive to be the best person they can be.~ 

~To always love themselves and to love those around them who cherish who they are.~

~To always be a great friend, listen instead of just speak, but speak up when needed.~

~To defend themselves against those who will be out to destroy their spirit.~

~To get back up, brush themselves off, and try again…never ever give up.~

~To always know they can rely on themselves when there’s no one else to rely on.~

~To be strong, fierce, and independent women.~

This is a part of the fabulous weekly linky #candidcuddles that I enjoy linking up to every week with my friends:

Becky at Cuddle Fairy

and #symbol

Katie at Growing Up Kater Tot

If you haven’t connected with them yet…I highly recommend you get to it!

Cuddle Fairy
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